A National Model for Impactful Landscape Work

We’re an entrepreneurial nonprofit that is striving to make a difference for rural PA.

PA Wilds Center was founded a decade after the Pennsylvania Wilds brand was established and grew organically out of the regional initiative. The nonprofit has been locally-led since its inception. 

PA Wilds Center for Entrepreneurship Logo

While coalescing and breathing new life into all the components of the Wilds work, which had incubated in different organizations and at different paces between 2003 and 2013, PA Wilds Center has prioritized locally-informed, high-impact, mission-driven projects to ensure the work is sustainably grown. 

This approach, supported by a robust partner network, has led to PA Wilds initiatives being recognized as a model for sustainable rural economic development in several national reports since the PA Wilds Center was founded.

Who We Are

The PA Wilds Center for Entrepreneurship, Inc. (PA Wilds Center) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that was founded in 2013 and opened its doors in 2014. 

WHAT (mission)

Establish the region as a sustainable outdoor recreation destination by integrating conservation and economic development in a way that strengthens and inspires communities of the PA Wilds.

WHY (vision)

To grow rooted rural wealth through small business development, diversify local economies, inspire stewardship, attract investment, improve quality of life, and retain population.

HOW (activities)

Bring visitors to the region and help coordinate investment. Unify regional stakeholders. Deliver locally-informed programs and services. Steward the region’s unique character and assets.

PA Wilds Center’s work is sustained through partnerships, program fees, philanthropic giving, grants, volunteers, and entrepreneurial activities related to the Pennsylvania Wilds brand and the nonprofit’s mission.

PA Wilds Center staff hail from many corners of the Wilds. Some work at PA Wilds Conservation Shop stores in McKean, Forest and Tioga Counties; others work from home or community-based offices across the region. 

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