Interested in hosting the 2023 or 2024 PA Wilds Dinner? Submit an interest form by November 18 for consideration.
Would your business (or a business you know) be a good fit for hosting the PA Wilds Dinner & Awards in 2023 or 2024? Complete the interest form by November 18, 2022, to be considered.
More than 250 businesses and community leaders from across the Pennsylvania Wilds, along with state partners and officials from Harrisburg gather annually for the PA Wilds Dinner & Awards to get an update on the state and local efforts to grow the region’s economy and recognize Champion of the PA Wilds Awards winners.
Each year the PA Wilds Center recognizes individuals, groups, organizations, communities, and businesses that in the last year have made significant contributions to help grow and sustainably develop the outdoor recreation economy and nature tourism in the PA Wilds by marrying economic development and conservation goals. These prestigious awards are presented at the Center’s dinner.
The next PA Wilds Dinner & Awards will take place on Thursday, July 27, 2023. The 2024 dinner is also planned for the fourth Thursday of July.
Important considerations are the capacity of the venue (typically expect 200-300 guests), catering options, AV/sound system and parking accommodations.
The interest form requires contact information for the business, connections to your community’s Destination Marketing Organization, and details about the venue rental costs, indoor and outdoor amenities, catering considerations, technology amenities, parking and accessibility.
Click here to begin filling out the PA Wilds Dinner & Awards venue hosting interest form.
Note that submission of this interest form does not constitute an official contract, and the venue has not been officially selected for the PA Wilds event upon submission. Information submitted in your response will be presented to the PA Wilds Dinner Committee, and a representative will be in touch with you following your submission in order to discuss your request.