Resources and Services for PA Wilds Businesses
The Pennsylvania Wilds is home to the greatest concentration of public lands in the Commonwealth, including some of the most spectacular wild areas east of the Mississippi River. It's an outdoor recreation paradise, providing unique opportunities for the businesses and organizations that are located here.
PA Wilds Center works with and promotes hundreds of local businesses, nonprofits and communities as part of the regional experience. These partners are all part of the Wilds Cooperative of Pennsylvania network, which is managed by the PA Wilds Center.
If you own a small business in the region, you can join the network. Best of all? It's free!
To be a member, you must be located in the Pennsylvania Wilds region and meet basic eligibility requirements.
Wilds Cooperative members receive PA Wilds marketing access, branding tools, networking and learning opportunities, new markets and product lines, and access to PA Wilds commerce platforms and product lines. In addition, PA Wilds Center makes referrals to PA’s financial and technical service programs. See the full list of membership benefits here.
Marketing Resources
Promote your business and reach new audiences on PA Wilds platforms
Get Listed on
Member profiles for local establishments, events and attractions populate
Use the PA Wilds Logo for Marketing
Apply to use the iconic PA Wilds logo on your marketing materials for free

Share Events on
Get your events listed on the third most visited page on for free
Participate in Local Storytelling
Help us showcase hidden gems in your community to encourage others to visit and shop local
Branded Commerce Resources
Access new market opportunities for buying or selling PA Wilds Made and branded products
Sell Your PA Wilds Made Products Wholesale
PA Wilds Conservation Shops source 90% of products from artists in the PA Wilds through the Wilds Cooperative
Find Wholesale PA Wilds Branded Products
Get access to PA Wilds branded merchandise wholesale for your own retail operation through the online Wholesalerie portal
Use the PA Wilds Logo for Your Own Products
Artisans and manufacturers in the PA Wilds have an opportunity to put the iconic logo on goods and support the regional effort
Find Additional PA Wilds Made and Branded Products
The PA Wilds Buyer's Guide is released annually and showcases professional juried artisans, their sales models, and licensees
Networking, Learning & Funding Resources
Get resources for growing your operations alongside the PA Wilds network
Check Out Our Member Directory
The Wilds Cooperative is a resource for your business - collaborate with peer members
Attend or Vend at the PA Wilds Dinner
Attend the premier networking event in the PA Wilds to make connections and learn more
Attend a WCO Membership Meeting
PA Wilds Center currently holds meetings for members to network in the spring and fall - join us!
Find Grants, Loans or Assistance
Check out the PA Wilds Resource Guides to find resources for funding, marketing and more
Stewardship Resources
Access tools for stewarding the built and natural environment around your business
Shared Messaging for Protecting Our Place
Become a PA Wilds Leave No Trace Partner and help people explore more sustainably
Preserving What Makes Us Special
The PA Wilds Design Guide is a free tool for developers to ensure new assets fit our rural character
Resources for Woodland Owners
There are lots of resources resources available to support forestland owners
Energy Efficiency Remodel Case Study
Get inspiration for renovating old downtown buildings to be more energy efficient

Join Our Free Network!
Wilds Cooperative of PA (WCO) is a network of more than 650 creative entrepreneurs, organizations and communities based in the PA Wilds, a premier outdoor recreation destination.
- Food, craft and visual artists, as well as creative industry professionals - like writers, graphic designers, web developers and musicians - fit into the network as "Creative Makers"
- Events, outfitters and guide services, hospitality and cultural establishments, and other attractions fit in as "Experience Makers"
PA Wilds Center manages the WCO network and helps to connect the members and promote them to visitors through PA Wilds marketing, branding, market opportunities, professional development and referral services.
Help others in your community join the Wilds Cooperative
There are many types of members in the Wilds Cooperative network, and most small businesses and nonprofits in the PA Wilds are eligible to join for free. Let's get more pins on the directory map for your community together! Help us get local artists, hospitality and cultural establishments, and longstanding tourist events into the network.

Watch for Contract Opportunities
PA Wilds Center often contracts with businesses and nonprofits based in the Pennsylvania Wilds to provide administrative support and to help tackle creative or strategic planning projects. Since its founding, PA Wilds Center has invested more than $1 million in local contracts.
Requests for Proposals are typically released via the PA Wilds Center's blog and newsletters to the Wilds Cooperative and PA Wilds Center networks as the opportunities become available.
Many times, the Requests for Proposals are limited to members of the Wilds Cooperative of Pennsylvania, as the Center looks to put its money where its heart is to fulfill its mission in the region.

Nominate a Local Champion for Recognition!
Do you know a local person, business or organization that is making a big impact in the region?
Each year the PA Wilds Center and the PA Wilds Planning Team recognize individuals, groups, organizations, communities, and businesses that in the last year have made significant contributions to help grow and sustainably develop the outdoor recreation economy and nature tourism in the PA Wilds by marrying economic development and conservation goals.
These prestigious awards are presented at the Center's dinner, held the fourth Thursday of July.
There are several categories open for public nominations. Nominations are typically due in early April.