August 2024 PA Wilds Partner Opportunities

Editor’s Note: The PA Wilds Partner Opportunities blog is a monthly roundup of opportunities and resources that are offered by partners of the PA Wilds Center for Entrepreneurship. Featured blog content supports Pennsylvania Wilds communities, small businesses and organizations. Regionally focused and time sensitive grant opportunities, technical assistance programs and professional development workshops are examples of the types of resources and opportunities that will be included in this monthly blog. Typically published the second week of each month, this series serves as a real time supplement to the annually produced PA Wilds Resource Guides, available at


Clearfield Chamber hosting Grant and Community Resource Luncheon on August 15

Host: Greater Clearfield Chamber of Commerce
Date: Thursday, August 15
Location: Commonwealth Unversity, Clearfield Campus

The Greater Clearfield Chamber invites you to a Grant and Community Resource Luncheon that will take place Thursday, August 15th from 11-1pm at Commonwealth University, Clearfield Campus. The chamber is hosting this event in order for chamber members to connect with organizations that can help their business and their employees. Panelists include: Sue Swales-Vitullo of Visit Clearfield County, Lisa Kovalick of the Clearfield Redevelopment Authority, Shawn Evans of Clearfield Career Link, Jack Rumfola of CCCTC, and Dr. Laura Dimino of the Center for Rural Pennsylvania. The panel will discuss local and state grant opportunities, programs available to acquire and maintain employees, and free training opportunities that are available. Catered lunch by Buck’s Pizza. Chamber members $30, non-chamber members $40. Please RSVP to Christy Brown (chamber director) at 765-7567 by August 9.


Digital Connectivity Technology Program grant applications due by August 19

Host: Pennsylvania Broadband Development Authority
Date: The application period closes on August 19.
Location: Apply for the program at

The Pennsylvania Broadband Development Authority (PBDA) is now accepting applications for its new Digital Connectivity Technology Program! Through the new program, the PBDA will purchase and distribute $20 million in laptops for eligible public-facing institutions such as libraries, municipalities, workforce training organizations, not-for-profit organizations, and other community anchor institutions located in areas where affordability has been identified as a barrier to broadband adoption and use, who will then make them available to individuals who lack the technology needed to access the internet. Projects are expected to begin in early 2025. Visit the PBDA’s website to learn more and apply for the program at The application period closes on August 19.


No-Cost Electrical Safety Training in Williamsport on August 21

Host: Innovative Manufacturers’ Center (IMC)
Date: Free training on August 21
Location: IMC building (1127 W. 4th St. Williamsport, PA 17701)

Innovative Manufacturers’ Center (IMC) is once again partnering with the Manufacturers Association to bring free electrical safety training to Central PA. Please see the attached press release and graphic for information about this opportunity and consider sharing on your socials, in newsletters, etc. There are currently open-enrollment opportunities scheduled for Williamsport on August 21. Additional info can be found at They can also schedule this training onsite with a manufacturer with a minimum of 10 participants.


PA Recreation and Park Society accepting proposals for annual conference; proposals due August 30

Host: Pennsylvania Recreation and Park Society (PRPS)
Date: Conference March 16-19, submissions due by August 30
Location: Conference to be held in Hershey. To submit a proposal, use the PRPS submission online form.

The Pennsylvania Recreation and Park Society (PRPS) is accepting proposals for educational sessions at their 2025 annual conference. The conference will be held March 16-19, 2025 in Hershey. It hosts around 400 park and recreation professionals each year. The 2025 conference theme is “PRPS University: Unlocking Potential. Shaping Tomorrow.” DCNR supports the conference through a Partnership grant to PRPS. Proposal submissions are due Friday, August 30. To submit a proposal, use the PRPS submission online form.


PA DCED MAP program accepting applications; deadline Sept. 1 for fall cycle

Host: PA Department of Community and Economic Development
Date: Accepted on a rolling basis; applications submitted by Sept. 1 will be included in fall 2024 cycle
Location: Learn more and apply at

The PA Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) Municipal Assistance Program (MAP) program can provide support for planning efforts to help your communities plan for these challenges and create opportunities. Applications to the MAP program are accepted on a rolling basis, however, applications submitted by September 1st will be included in the next review cycle for fall 2024 awards. The full MAP program guidelines and online application available at Municipal Assistance Program (MAP) – PA Department of Community & Economic Development.


Susquehanna Sojourn Series: West Branch on September 21

Host: Susquehanna Greenway Partnership
Date: Paddle on September 21, 2024. Registration open now.
Location: Start at McElhatten and end at Jersey Shore. For more information, visit the SGP Susquehanna Sojourn Series: West Branch page.

Join the Susquehanna Greenway Partnership (SGP) on Saturday, September 21, 2024, as you discover the West Branch of the Susquehanna River Water Trail. This day-trip paddle is one of four that will showcase the recreational opportunities of the water trail through the Susquehanna River Sojourn Series. Paddlers along this section of the river will experience an 6.3-mile route along the West Branch Susquehanna River from McElhattan to Jersey Shore. Lunch will be provided at the end of the paddle. Price: $40 / ticket. Rentals: $30 / single kayak, $50 / tandem. Registration will open in summer.


Northern Pennsylvania Regional College virtual information session on September 24

Host: Northern Pennsylvania Regional College
Date: 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 24
Location: Virtual information session; sign up at

NPRC is hosting a virtual Information Session on Tuesday, September 24 from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. for anyone interested in learning more about becoming a student or finding training for their team. Those interested in attending are encouraged to sign up at Available associate degrees include business administration, criminal justice, early childhood education, liberal studies, and social sciences. In addition to these degree programs, the College also offers work-ready skill sets, which are designed to prepare students for immediate entry into the workforce or advancement in their current careers by completing just three courses. During this virtual event, attendees will learn about the College’s history and mission, receive information and resources regarding tuition rates and how to pay for college, and will learn specific details about NPRC’s academic and workforce development training offerings.


Writers invited to Writers in Woods event in Cook Forest on September 28

Host: Writers Conference of Northern Appalachia
Date: September 28
Location: Cook Forest Sawmill Center for the Arts in Cooksburg, PA

The Writers Conference of Northern Appalachia invites you to attend the 3rd annual Writers in the Woods event on September 28 2024 at the Cook Forest Sawmill Center for the Arts in Cooksburg, PA. This is a smaller single track event, offering a relaxed day of workshops and networking with like minded writers from the region. Seating is limited so please don’t wait to register! Cost is $59. For more information, and to sign up for this event, visit


DCNR Fall ATV/Snowmobile grant round open; applications due September 30

Host: PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources
Date: Application deadline is Monday, September 30.
Location: Apply online using the DCNR Grants Customer Service Portal.

DCNR is now accepting applications for the fall round of All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) and Snowmobile Program grants. Eligible applicants include for-profit organizations, non-profit organizations, and municipalities in Pennsylvania. Proposed projects eligible for these grants include planning, land acquisition, development, rehabilitation, maintenance, equipment purchase for maintenance, and educational programs related to snowmobile and ATV trails and facilities. Funding for these grants comes from the ATV and Snowmobile Restricted Accounts, which are funded through registration fees that riders pay. Grant funds will be awarded through a competitive process. Apply online using the DCNR Grants Customer Service Portal. The application deadline is 4:00 PM on Monday, September 30.


Northern Pennsylvania Regional College offering online programs

Host: Northern Pennsylvania Regional College
Date: Enrolling now
Location: Online programs, more information available at

Northern Pennsylvania Regional College is pleased to announce a partnership with ed2go, part of Cengage Group that has brought online programming to NPRC’s workforce development division. This partnership will serve as an opportunity for students to earn credentials and certificates in asynchronous and synchronous learning formats. Courses include AutoCAD, cybersecurity, human resources, Microsoft Excel, and professional bookkeeping and payroll management.  Whether someone is a high school student looking to develop skills for college; a busy parent hoping to provide a better life for their family; or a lifelong learner looking for a way to challenge themselves, these programs can help students achieve their goals at NPRC in a new way. For more information about ed2go and NPRC’s collaboration and offerings, please visit NPRC’s website under Non-Credit Online Programs.


Tourism and recreation survey for residents of Cameron, Elk, Forest, McKean, or Warren counties (Allegheny National Forest region)

Host: West Virginia University, with local partners
Date: Survey open
Location: Only for residents of Cameron, Elk, Forest, McKean, or Warren counties.

Your opinion matters! If you are a resident of Cameron, Elk, Forest, McKean, or Warren counties this is your chance to share your thoughts and opinion on recreation and tourism development in and around your community! This survey will be used to improve policy makers’ understanding of residents’ attitudes and opinions toward tourism in the Allegheny National Forest region, help them determine future tourism development opportunities, and provide recreation/tourism leaders the opportunity to learn about and respond to public opinions. This survey was developed by West Virginia University in partnership with the PA Wilds Center for Entrepreneurship, Penn State University, University of Vermont, University of New Hampshire and the Northeast Regional Center for Rural Development and is funded by a grant from USDA. Click here for the 5- to 10-minute survey:


PA Council on the Arts ​Creative Entrepreneur Accelerator Program

Host: PA Council on the Arts
Date: Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis and awarded on a rolling basis.
Location: Learn more at the PCA Creative Entrepreneur Accelerator page

The Pennsylvania Council on the Arts and the PCA’s Pennsylvania Partners in the Arts (PPA) partner organizations are pleased to make available the Creative Entrepreneur Accelerator Program. This program is designed to pair access to existing small business consulting services with $2,000 grants for creative entrepreneurs who aspire to start their own for-profit business or who operate an existing for-profit micro business. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis and awarded on a rolling basis. Learn more at the PCA Creative Entrepreneur Accelerator page.


POWR Statewide Waterway Access Grant Mini Grant Program

Host: The Pennsylvania Organization for Watersheds and Rivers
Date: Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis and awarded on a rolling basis.
Location: Learn more at the POWR SWAG announcement press release.

The Pennsylvania Organization for Watersheds and Rivers (POWR) is opening the new Statewide Waterway Access Grant Mini Grant Program (SWAG). The grant program, supported by the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) and the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, is designed to help meet growing demand for non-motorized boating opportunities. The program provides grants of up to $30,000 to create new or improve existing access points along the region’s rivers, streams, and waterways.


Office rental space available in Greater Clearfield County Chamber of Commerce building

Host: Greater Clearfield County Chamber of Commerce
Date: Get in touch as soon as possible for tour if interested.
Location: 218 South Second Street, Clearfield, PA 16830; call Christy at 814-765-7567 for details.

Are you working from home but need a quieter office space without distractions? Could your new startup business use an affordable office space to meet with clients? Are you looking for an all-inclusive office within walking distance of downtown Clearfield? The Clearfield Chamber of Commerce building at 218 South Second Street in Clearfield has affordable office space available in the new year. Give Christy a call at 814-765-7567 for availability.


Office available for daily rental in Greater DuBois Area Chamber building

Host: Greater DuBois Area Chamber of Commerce
Date: Get in touch as soon as possible for tour if interested.
Location: 103 Beaver Drive, DuBois. Call 814-371-5010 or email Jodi August, Executive Director at [email protected].

Training Room (Smart Room) for rent at the Greater DuBois Chamber office located at 103 Beaver Drive, DuBois. Comfortably seats up to 16. Wi-Fi access, use of kitchenette, and restrooms. Chamber members rate is $25 ½ day, $50 full day. Non-Member rate is $50 ½ day, $100 full day. To reserve this room on a specific date, please call 814-371-5010 or email Jodi August, Executive Director at [email protected].


DCNR Community Conservation Partnerships Program grant round opens January 16, 2024

Host: PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources
Date: Grant round opens January 16, 2024, various deadlines for different grants.
Location: Learn more and apply for the grants at the DCNR grant page.

Videos of DCNR’s annual grant workshop are now live on the agency’s YouTube channel. If you missed the grant workshop on November 16, or if you’d like a refresher on anything you learned at it, the videos are the place to start. The videos provide information about the upcoming 2024 grant round, which opens on Tuesday, January 16. They discuss who can apply, the types of projects we fund, and how to make your application more competitive. We recommend watching the “General Overview” video first, and then watching the video specific to the type of grant you intend to apply for. Learn more and apply for the grants at the DCNR grant page.


Submit your resources!

Organizations offering resources or opportunities for small businesses, nonprofits and communities in the PA Wilds are invited to submit information for potential inclusion in next month’s Partner Opportunities blog, which is posted to and shared in the PA Wilds Center’s monthly e-newsletter. The blog and e-blast are typically shared the second week of the month. Submissions must be received by 5 p.m. the last Friday of month for consideration. SUBMIT RESOURCES



The Pennsylvania Wilds is a 13-county region that includes the counties of Cameron, Clarion, Clearfield, Clinton, Elk, Forest, Jefferson, Lycoming, McKean, Potter, Tioga, Warren, and northern Centre. The PA Wilds Center for Entrepreneurship, Inc., is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization whose mission is to integrate conservation and economic development in a way that inspires the communities of the Pennsylvania Wilds. The PA Wilds Center promotes the region and its 2+ million acres of public lands as a premier outdoor recreation destination as a way to diversify local economies, inspire stewardship, attract investment, retain population and improve quality of life. The PA Wilds Center’s core programs seek to help businesses leverage the PA Wilds brand and connect with new market opportunities, including: the Wilds Cooperative of PA, a network of more than 600 place-based businesses and organizations, and the PA Wilds Conservation Shop, a retail outlet primarily featuring products sourced from the WCO. For more information on the PA Wilds Center, visit To learn more about the WCO, visit Explore the PA Wilds at Find regionally made products at


Media Contact

Britt Madera | Communications Manager

PA Wilds Center for Entrepreneurship, Inc.

[email protected] | 570-948-1051

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